When asked what motivated her to do the work she does, Dr. May Zaw Naing says: “My parents set the example for us to do whatever we do based on our personal values and to put the wellbeing of others first. They taught me that our efforts will determine outcomes we achieve. They always encouraged me to reflect on my experience and taught me that how I did things would determine how I lived my life.”

Dispelling the Stigma Around Mental Illness     
In her line of work, Dr. May Zaw Naing is leading a number of efforts to dispel the stigma around mental illnesses in Myanmar all while collaborating with local and international partners on policy reform.

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Aung Kyaw Swar: passionate educator, environmentalist and development practitioner

I passionately believe that education is the crucial area to nurture someone. Understanding on education varies from academic knowledge to the art of living life. I believe good education produces responsible citizens who can enhance peace and harmony within their own community by respecting others’ cultures, religions, identities, and natural environment while conserving and promoting his/her own.

Education is not only about one’s ability, but one’s mindset and skillset to live and enjoy a meaningful life.

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Spotlight Series: Kay Thwe Tin Win

“Once we learn to reframe how we see the crisis, we are capable of turning it into opportunity.” – Kay Thwe Tin Win

I have always been eager to learn about Luxury Brand Management. I wanted to work for a multi-national company where I could experience a diverse work environment and work with professionals from whom I could learn. I started working for BMW six years ago. I have been a fan of the brand for a long time. As one of the world’s leading premium car brands, I am excited to be a part of bringing its products and services to Myanmar.

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Spotlight Series: Aung Paing Thant

Aung Paing Thant is a pioneer in the eco-tourism industry in Myanmar. He joined the DeBoer Fellowship in 2018. In 2019, he and three other friends co-founded Kiwi Go, a social-enterprise with a focus on sustainable eco-tourism. Within one year, the company has grown exponentially with eleven branch offices throughout Myanmar. A passionate traveler himself, Aung Paing Thant serves as the Chief Commercial Officer – CCO of the company.


WHY ECO-TOURISM: I decided to work in the tourism sector because I like working with people and enjoy traveling. I would like to see people travel more often and appreciate the beauty and culture of our country.

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